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Thesis defense: Josselin Mante


On July 12, 2024

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

vignette glyco@alps
vignette glyco@alps

Josselin Mante will defend his thesis "Extraction, purification et caractérisation de polymères naturels pour la synthèse d’additifs de renforcement mécanique pour les matériaux cellulosiques" on July 12th of July, 9H30, at CERMAV

Josselin Mante carried out his “Cifre thesis” at Cermav under the co-direction of Laurent Heux (CNRS Research Director) and Julien Leguy (CTO at FunCell).

His thesis is entitled “Extraction, purification and characterization of natural polymers for the synthesis of mechanical reinforcement additives for cellulosic materials” and led to the filing of a patent application.

This thesis is part of the joint research laboratory between CERMAV and its spin-off FunCell, created in 2020.


On July 12, 2024
Complément date

9:30 am


Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Complément lieu

601 rue de la Chimie
Domaine Universitaire

Submitted on July 11, 2024

Updated on July 11, 2024